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I first fell In love with photography because of my mom's photo albums. She would create fantastic captions on each page, and they became formative in how I remembered certain moments. I treasure the role her photos played in memories of my childhood. She was never doing it for the gram; she was making timeless treasures for me.

More than ever, I understand the importance of capturing images for people when they are at the height of their joy. Time is a sneaky thing. Before you know it, we get caught up in the motions and tomorrow becomes today. I feel both privileged and called to make significant moments static. By surrounding ourselves with images of significant personal events, those moments would otherwise drift further away are just as constantly drawing nearer, becoming deeper engrained in us. I want to make the past more present than ever..

I love God, and I love the people he makes inside and out. This has been the driving force behind my pursuit in photography. I like looking at nice things, and I LOVE looking for the heart beneath the surface and calling it out to play. If that means sitting down with grandma, offering some sloppy moves on the dance floor, or telling your funny friend to say something inappropriate, that's what's going down. You will look your best when you feel your best. Any direction I give you will be in an effort to cultivate an environment where you feel great.

Let's do coffee (click here) :)